Saturday, April 10, 2010

I won't lie - It's hard work

I’ll be the first to admit it, being a mom is HARD HARD work. There are days when I’m just physically so tired I don’t want to get up and do anything. And forget those days when you’re feeling emotionally pooped. It’s exhausting with one thing after another. How can that kid that’s less then 2 feet tall have so much energy. It’s about sacrificing and giving up. And then you just have those days - where you wonder, Why? Why did I get myself into this and who in the right mind told me I wanted to be a mom.

Sleeping in on the weekend? What’s that? Yea – that one I really miss the most. Deciding that this is one of those ramen noodle day & night where the full purpose of the day was to curl up in bed in front of the TV and do absolutely nothing. Uh huh. Those days are long forgotten. And please don’t get me started on going out to the movies, a night out or just deciding this would be a great weekend for a weekend getaway. Long gone are those days when a big purse would be suffice for a weekend.

Anyone read the book “I love being a mom, but I just hate doing it”. Yep, I was one of those moms who bought that book when my daughter was a little over a month old, and nothing I did except hold her day in, day out would stop her from crying crying and crying some more.

The expectation was there long before I was a mom. I’m not that kind of wife or mom I thought I would be. I pictured myself cooking, baking , my house being super clean all the time, and my husband running home to kiss me. WOW! Boy am I laughing at myself right now. I pictured spending countless hours with my child in her room playing with toys and reading her books after books. Of course in this absurd fantasy of mine, my child would also never watch TV either and she’ll always be somehow emotionally and psychologically stimulated in some way. I tell you, Motherhood is just one of those things that’s totally impossible to picture until it happens to you. You think you’ll be a certain way – you won’t yell at your kid, you’ll have patience and your child is quiet and cooperative during all public outings. Then boom, your little one is here, and your whole world turns upside down. I have always pictured myself with kids, but I didn’t expect to be barely keeping it together 95 percent of the time! I most certainty didn’t picture the never-ending amount of fatigue I face day in and day out.

And then your little munchkin turns to you and put her arms around you, gives you a big hug and say “I luvvv you” that you realize ahhh yes, this is exactly why you do it; and at the end of the day; this is all worth it.

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