Friday, April 30, 2010

All Secrets Revealed

So a friend said to me the other day, "I can't wait to get pregnant. It seems just so nice to have that pregnancy glow, and have that little bundle of joy growing inside of you. I'm really looking forward to when I get pregnant. The delivery, I'm really scared and afraid of, but the pregnancy is just going to be GREAT".

I couldn't help but laugh, and then wished her Good Luck. Told her delivery was probably the easiest part of the whole ordeal. I wasn't/am not one of those lucky biatches who had amazing pregnancies. But then again, I guess I understand where she's coming from. When I was still single and watching my sister pregnant with her first-born, I also only noticed the glow, the slight pampering my brother in law gave her, and the extra naps she took during the day. All did look pretty cheerful and rosy on the other side, till of course; I got pregnant.

There has to be a copy of some book somewhere that tell all moms to not let any secrets out. Well, mine seem to have gotten lost in the mail, so here are all the secrets revealed. At the end of it, you may want to think reallly hard before getting knocked up.

  • Morning Sickness - it must've been a man who labeled this horrible, horrendous symptom morning sickness. It should just be labeled "full day, full night sickness". Most argues the reason why it's called "morning sickness" is because that's when you feel the worse - when you first wake up in the morning. In reality, you just feel sick like this day and night. To put in perspective for some of you who still has no idea what I'm talking about? Imagine the time when you got really drunk and woke up the next morning feeling like ass + you're plagued with food poisoning. You feel nauseous the whole day and then puke whenever you eat anything. Now times that by a minimum of 3 and a half months EVERY SINGLE day. That's "morning sickness". Now I also have to mention, I LOVE to eat. I connected with my husband and a lot of friends over food and our mutual love for food, so imagine how I feel when I just can't eat for 3+ months. I've read that there are some people who this last throughout their 40 weeks of pregnancy. I truly deeply feel sorry and send my condolences to those poor souls.
  • Migraines -My friend Janet gets migraines. My friend Jessica gets migraines. My husband gets migraines at times. I DON'T get migraines. That is, till I got pregnant. These are the devil of headaches, and on one can fully explain why these things happen when you get knocked up. The only thing they explain like they explain everything else is "those pregnancy hormones".
  • Constipation - truly, this may seem like nothing - that is until you've been backed up for several days and you've started cramping. Before I was pregnant, my digestive system was like a baby. I went as many times as I ate. Exactly the way it's supposed to be. NOW...I go about once every 2 days or so. And that one time usually requires me sitting there for approximately 15-20 minutes alternating between pushing, screaming and sweating before anything happens. By the end of it, there are beads of sweat running down my forehead, and it feels like I literally just gave birth.
  • Overactive Bladder - Before my firstborn arrived, I got all types of unsolicited advice from strangers that told me that told me to get all the sleep I can now before the baby is born, because I won't be able to after she's here. I wanted to smack them, because seriously, who asked them? But other than that simple fact, have they been around me and my bladder? It's a double edge sword, you need to drink more water to stay hydrated, but the more water you drink, the more you end up peeing. I already used the bathroom enough before I was pregnant, but I seriously didn't resort to waking up 2-3 times a night to pee at that time. Except when you're pregnant, you'll never sleep through the night again, because I'm usually up at 2:30, and then again at 5:30 just to pe. So much for getting my sleep in before the baby's here. I'm already NOT sleeping.
  • Backaches, pelvic pains, and stomach cramps - Ahh. You think I'm pregnant now, I don't have to deal with menstrual cramps. Oh boy are you wrong. At least when you get your monthly friend prior to pregnancy, you're also allowed to pop Advils every few hours to keep the pain at bay. These days, you just deal with these pains as they come. Early on, i can just be the implantation pain, then there's the round ligaments type pain, and then much later on, you'll start dealing with the baby kicking you kind of pain, and of course later on there's the contraction type pain. All of these usually accompanied with back pain.
  • Hemorrhoids - No one ever talks about these because it's seriously embarrassing. I didn't even want to tell my husband the first time around. We were on vacation in Vegas with another couple, and I was walking and sitting funny and looking like I was in constant pain. A few days later, I finally gave in and told him. He laughed his ass off, and proceeded to tell all his friends. I was still in pain and can barely sit, stand or walk. I'm praying and begging it just doesn't happen this time.
  • Heartburn - Again, something I never ever experienced before I got pregnant, but something I very quickly learned I HATED. I stocked up on Tums in my cabinets, my purse, and in my office and was popping those suckers like candy. Needless to say of course - the relief from eating the Tums are short and you'll very quickly find yourself in lots of pain again.
  • Kicking - Yes, your child kicks you. Yes, it's very sweet and awwww moment initially when it first happens, but when you're in the last 2 months and you literally see the feet moving from the left side of your stomach to the right side - it's really NOT that cute anymore. Not to mention I started to get bruises where she kicked me so hard.
I'm of course deliberately leaving stuff out, but seriously, I don't want to scare away too many potential moms if I haven't already. On the plus side, most people do get bigger boobs, shinier hair, nicer skin - thus the glow, and each time you hear the heartbeat during your ultrasound, or see the little baby swimming around in your sonogram, you then realize why you put up with all the pain. So if you're really truly feeling ready for motherhood and giving up alcohol for a full year, grab your partner tonight and hit the sack. Not everyone gets the same crappy experience as me, yours might just be wonderful.

Though seriously - I still think some mad scientist need to figure out how to shorten a women's pregnancy from 40 weeks down to only 12 weeks. Till that day comes, 27 weeks and counting till the 2nd little bean is born.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

A Stressed Out Mom's Guide to relax

My friend Janet is a stay at home working mom. In other words, she works from home while also taking care of her daughter. Our daughters are exactly the same age, born exactly on the same day only about an hour and a half apart. To be exact, they're 1 year and 11 months old right now. The first 15 or so months of our daughter's life, I was insanely jealous of Janet. I would love to be able to stay at home with my daughter, but still keep my job. I always imagined myself raising my own children when I had them. Instead, I woke up every single morning, and left my baby girl for 10 hours while a nanny and eventually a daycare watched my child grow up, develop, and do all those cute baby things.

That is....till my daughter started her terrible two's tantrum early. These days, sadly to say, I'm eager to send my child off to daycare (where she behaves like an angel - says her teacher), help her take a nap, or go to bed a little earlier. Before kids; we've all heard about it, but nothing short of experiencing it first hand can really make you understand.

My 22 and a half month child is officially in the midst of her terrible two's tantrum phase. A "no", "stop", or even "later" to her can explicitly cause 15 minutes of screaming that eventually leads to straight out crying. Nothing stops her. And believe me when I say nothing. (Feel free to send those tips away).

I was slowly losing my insanity, till I just realized - I need to "relax" or my child never will. So next time you're in my shoes, try some of these tips. Might not help calm your child down, but at least it'll calm you down enough to have more patience to deal with your little one.

- Breath. You're not a bad mom. Now, hand that little brat over to your partner, and then walk away. Your little brat will continue crying, but nothing you're doing is going to help anyways, so let your partner deal with it for once.

- Change your surroundings immediately. Put on some shoes and a jacket and take your child OUT of wherever you are. He/She will probably forget almost immediately why they started crying to begin with, and find something else that's equally as fascinating.

- Indulge. Keep a handful of "snacks" handy, and just indulge. You just need a little peace and quiet. It's ok to occasionally indulge.

And lastly, just enjoy it. How many of us truly enjoyed the first 6 months of our child's life? Let's be honest, we all rushed it by. Wishing he/she will smile, crawl, walk, and talk already. And now that the terrible two's phase is here, we just wish they'll grow up already huh? Sit back, relax and just enjoy. True, it's not fun - but we'll get through it. Our moms and grandmas did.... - let me go ahead and follow my own advice....

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Before I was a Mom

Before I was a mom
I never tripped over toys.
Or Google words to lullabies and nursery rhymes.

Before I was a mom,
I’ve never been puked on.
Pooped on.
Or Peed on.

I had complete control of my mind and my thoughts.
And if I chose to, I slept all day and night and then ate ramen noodles for dinner.

Before I was a mom
I never held down a screaming child
So doctors can run a few more tests
And then have hot tears run down my eyes while watching my child writhing

Before I was a mom
I never felt my heart break into a million pieces when I couldn’t stop the hurt.
I didn’t know the feeling of having my heart outside my body.

I had never known the warmth, the joy, the love, the heartaches, the wonderment
Or the satisfaction of being a Mom.
I didn’t know I was capable of feeling so much!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

I won't lie - It's hard work

I’ll be the first to admit it, being a mom is HARD HARD work. There are days when I’m just physically so tired I don’t want to get up and do anything. And forget those days when you’re feeling emotionally pooped. It’s exhausting with one thing after another. How can that kid that’s less then 2 feet tall have so much energy. It’s about sacrificing and giving up. And then you just have those days - where you wonder, Why? Why did I get myself into this and who in the right mind told me I wanted to be a mom.

Sleeping in on the weekend? What’s that? Yea – that one I really miss the most. Deciding that this is one of those ramen noodle day & night where the full purpose of the day was to curl up in bed in front of the TV and do absolutely nothing. Uh huh. Those days are long forgotten. And please don’t get me started on going out to the movies, a night out or just deciding this would be a great weekend for a weekend getaway. Long gone are those days when a big purse would be suffice for a weekend.

Anyone read the book “I love being a mom, but I just hate doing it”. Yep, I was one of those moms who bought that book when my daughter was a little over a month old, and nothing I did except hold her day in, day out would stop her from crying crying and crying some more.

The expectation was there long before I was a mom. I’m not that kind of wife or mom I thought I would be. I pictured myself cooking, baking , my house being super clean all the time, and my husband running home to kiss me. WOW! Boy am I laughing at myself right now. I pictured spending countless hours with my child in her room playing with toys and reading her books after books. Of course in this absurd fantasy of mine, my child would also never watch TV either and she’ll always be somehow emotionally and psychologically stimulated in some way. I tell you, Motherhood is just one of those things that’s totally impossible to picture until it happens to you. You think you’ll be a certain way – you won’t yell at your kid, you’ll have patience and your child is quiet and cooperative during all public outings. Then boom, your little one is here, and your whole world turns upside down. I have always pictured myself with kids, but I didn’t expect to be barely keeping it together 95 percent of the time! I most certainty didn’t picture the never-ending amount of fatigue I face day in and day out.

And then your little munchkin turns to you and put her arms around you, gives you a big hug and say “I luvvv you” that you realize ahhh yes, this is exactly why you do it; and at the end of the day; this is all worth it.